Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Christmas, Utah

It has been a long time since I last posted I need to be a lot better. Christmas time we went up to a cabin in Brian Head Utah, with my side of the family. It was a full house everyone in the picture below was all there. Plus my grandma Louise, Uncle Ron, Aunt Wendy and her three boy and Chris's wife and three kids. Ryan was able to snowboard and I was able to go sledding. Tyler didn't do much of anything but hang out in the cabin since he isn't big enough to play in the snow. My Mom and Aunt Wendy had some fun activities planned for all of the kids during the week so they wouldn't get bored. It was a lot of fun to be able to spend sometime with My family since it will be our last one all together for awhile since Kevin and his family will be moving to Indiana.
On our way home we were able to meet up with Ryan's Grandma Snow. She was visiting family in St. George for Chirstmas. It was nice seeing her since it was the first time for her to meet Tyler.
During My sister's kids spring vactation she decided to head up to Utah to visit my brother and Family, So Tyler and I decided to come alone. When we were up there we were able to see Tyler's Great grandma Snow.And we were able to meet Krew for the first time the newest member of the family. While we were there we stayed at my cousin Joyce's house for two nights and the other nights stayed at a hotel to be closer to Kevin and his family. But while we were at Joyce's she had some fun activities planned for the kids. We went to a Kid Zone, had a easter egg hunt, Tyler went swimming for the first time and loved it.

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