Monday, September 26, 2011

Tyler is one Month

Tyler had his one moth check up and is doing well he weights 9lb 7 oz now. I love having this little guy in our home he brings so much joy to Ryan and I. I like it when he will sit on my lap and just look at me. He just started talking to us it is really cute to listen too. But he really likes to look outside, fans, lights and loves bath time. He hates it when his passie falls out and when you change his clothes, dipper and put lotion on him. But other than that he is a really good baby. He only wakes up once during the night for feeding.

Bath time


  1. He is co cute! Glad he is doing well and I hope that you are feeling better too! :)

  2. Oh my gosh he is so big already an entire month has past that has gone by so fast.
